Saturday, November 22, 2008

chakra centers heal

Psychic abilities are something that anyone can use. Everyone inherently has the power within themselves to access hidden abilities that can be used for telepathy, empathy, esp and seeing future events. Most people don't know it, but the chakra system is the key to accessing these abilities. What the chakra system is, is a field or aura of energy that every human being possesses. It is attributed to the spirit body and can be channeled effectively to produce psychic phenomenon. Most people don't realize that in order to use their power, they have to bring their energy field up and do so by meditation and keeping free from energies that serve to reduce this energy field.

The biggest thing you need to do is eat healthy with foods that possess a lot of light energy in them. Sticking to a vegetarian diet is a good start. The next best thing would be to continually get in the habit to listening to your inner voice and developing your third eye. What your third eye is, is a chakra in the center of the forehead that can actually allow you to travel inter-dimensionally. If you meditate enough and practice techniques to active this chakra, you will be able to start to use your abilities.

How do you know if your third eye charka is open? You will be able to tell this by seeing flashes of light in your meditation. You will start to feel pulsations of light in your forehead and once you strengthen this enough, you will be able to use this eye to open other chakras in the body. You will be able to see them all in your meditation and synchronize them all together and harmonize them accordingly. Once your energy field is balanced, you will start to become much more aware of things that you never once were. You will start to feel more love in your life and in your heart. You will become more susceptible to peoples thoughts and emotions and will be able to know what people are thinking and going to do before they do them. You will have a birds eye view on what is happening in life and instead of participating in life you will now be the observer. You will no longer live in a state of depression for you will have reached a new level in spiritual ascension. You will find that dreams can actually be a part of your every day waking life and heaven is not a distant reality, it is all within you to be experienced for all of eternity.

Chakra centers can also heal you when you meditate on them constantly. The heart can heal any ailment. The heart of all chakra centers is the source of God. If you want true healing connection to your inner self.

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